Thursday, December 01, 2005

Let's make-up

I'm getting ready for work yesterday...running behind. Chloe loves to get in my way (ie play in my makeup) especially when I'm running behind. She has this knack for being able to judge my desperation I guess.

I was drying my hair and Chloe disappeared. I thought she had gone into the living room to watch Dora or something on the tv. I'm just about ready to leave the bedroom and in waltzed Chloe her face ALL made up!!

I haven't looked down at her yet, but I can hear her and sense her right by me.

All the sudden she says "I'm soooooo beautiful!"

I suddenly look down and there she is in my wonderful favorite purple eyeliner.

Now the thing is, she did a pretty darn good job applying her makeup.

She got her lips, she got her eyes. I think it's very 80's Flashdance kinda vibe.

Especially the nightie---which she styled on her own earlier that morning. Barry nor I had anything to do with this look.

It amazes me how much she observes. She knows what to do with makeup.

Maybe it's just because she's a girl.

OH yeah, and she did all this without a mirror.

We went to Thomas and Nana's today (more on that later).
Chloe had to bring Stegy along.

She cuddled him all the way over to their house.

Some very tired, beautiful eyes.


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