Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ready for my close up!

Chloe loves to play with her Dora the Explorer pals. Here she is holding Tico.

Yeah, and that outfit? SHE chose it. We let her pick out her own clothes for the day...and this was todays winner.

She told Barry she wanted to wear "zebra shirt" and "zebra pants".

Quite the fashionista!

Fox was perfectly content to play on his play mat. He bats at the little animals that hang down.

Chloe thought he needed help on just how hard to hit the animals so she swatted them a time or two.

I think it was too much for Fox because he burst out in tears shortly after that when the animals came at him too fast.

Fox's temperment is soooo different from Chloe. He doesn't like sudden movements, he's not fond of loud noises, and is perfectly happy being held and cuddled. VERY lucky for me. I can't seem to get enough of rubbing my cheek against his fuzzy little head.

Ready for my close up!

Really. It's a game we've played ever since she was little.

The purple frame goes with a LeapFrog interactive game she was given long ago.

I use to hold it up to my face and in classic Cecil B. de Mille style say "I'm ready for my close up!"

She always got a big kick out of that. So to this day she hold this up to her face and says the same thing.

Here she works that frame down her body!

Skinny monkey. She likes to slide the frame down her body.

I see you!

There's our boy!

Fox just LOVES these goofy bows that you put on packages.

Ok, I have to admit they are pretty cool since they reflect the light so well.

I think he likes the sound of crinkling paper, too.

I think he loves how these beads taste. He won't put them down!


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