Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Daddy got punk'd

So the other day Barry is hard at work at his computer. Chloe is in the other room playing with her toys and watching Dora. Our parrot Hellboy is calmly resting on his stand munching on a peanut or two, minding his own business.

Suddenly, Chloe dashes into the office, graps Daddy's hand urgently saying "Hellboy fly, on the floor, help, help, pull, pull, c'mon Daddy, c'mon Daddy" and tries to get Barry to follow her into the living room to get Hellboy and restore order to her world.

So Barry follows Chloe into the living room and there sits Hellboy calmly on his stand. Barry looks down and tells Chloe "Hellboy's right here on his stand", but Chloe already knows that and is looking up at Barry with a huge grin on her face.

Chloe, before the age of two, has crafted, planned, and executed with aplomb her first practical joke.

Barry says its the proudest moment of his life.


At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! I could picture the process as I was reading it! Better keep your eye on that one! Glen (canada)


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