Sure....he looks innocent enough....
...but I promise you, come 3:00 in the morning and he's screamin' like a banshee for one of his many nighttime feedings and Mom is all blurry eyed, stumbling around in the dark trying to find her glasses, and feelin' mighty sleep deprived, it all ain't so pretty then.
But then you look down at his face, see his eyes trying desperately to focus in on you, or feel him snuggle closer to you, all is forgiven and you are suddenly not tired anymore and you just want to hold on to that moment for forever.
Fox is staying awake so much longer now. This morning he probably stayed awake and alert for 2-3 hours or so. I know this because I was planning on going running during his nap period whist Barry watched Chloe, but no. Of course Fox chose the time I had somehting planned to do a cluster feeding and decided he just wanted to be held.
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