Friday, July 29, 2005

Chloe constantly amazes us. Here are some pictures of her gazing in on her brother.

It was hard at first for her to warm up to Fox. But now she endearingly calls him "baby brother" and happily touches him. She points to his chin, ears, strokes his hair very softly. She's a wonderful sister.

She even tries to cover him with a blanket if she thinks he's cold.

She does sometimes get upset when he sleeps and is being held by me or Barry. She loudly tells him to "Wake up!" But then she does the same to either me or Barry when we happen to sit down and get a second to close our eyes--few and far between now days.
Here are some of the pictures of her gazing in on her brother.

I'm still waiting to get a pic of Chloe kissing Fox. She's done it a couple times, but of course, no camera is on hand.

Yesterday, Barry went into Chloe's room to get her out of her bed. When he entered the room Chloe smiled and started saying "EEeeee, Eeeeee!" Barry (thinking she was making monkey sounds) asked her if she was a monkey. She stopped, wrinkled her nose, then looked at him as he'd just said the dumbest thing she'd ever heard, then said "Dolphin ... EEeee, Eeeeeee, EEeee ... dolphin!"

Fox looks better to us. He seems stronger and more alert. Tomorrow we have an appointment to see the doctor. Fingers crossed all goes well. Both Barry and I couldn't believe that Fox had lost 10oz in his first week. We've been trying really hard to get him to gain weight and expose him to direct sunlight per doctors orders. He's a tough, beautiful boy.

We also got a notice from the hospital today that one of the tests was incomplete so we have to take him back to the hospital again for a repeat test. The paper work said a repeat test in not UNCOMMON (yeah, whatever that means to a worried parent), but still you are afraid. Is something wrong? Why are more tests necessary, please don't let it be anything major...just a tech screw up. Fingers crossed.


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