Monday, November 28, 2005

We gather together

A Happy Thanksgiving was had by all this week. We thought we'd get a head of the game and do a lot of prep work for all the cooking on Wednesday. Barry bought a 20 lbs turkey, and I fixed my Jack Daniels ham. All together now...Mmmmmmm!!!

Thomas and Chloe play on the loveseat. She loves having her toes tickled.

Turns out we didn't get everything cooked by the time we had wanted to start eating (2:00), so we had to wait almost an extra hour for the turkey to finish cook.

Here's Thomas and Chris eagerly awaiting dinner time!

Emily, Rene' , Michael and Chloe chat and read the advertisements for the next days sales.

Rene' was planning on getting up and going shopping at 4:00 am the next morning! Eh gads! She and I met up later that night at Florida Mall for some extra shopping.

Chloe evesdrops on Thomas and Barry's conversation.

Hopefully Michael found a good sale.

Chloe kept bugging Wayne for a drawing. She wanted a baby dino. At first he thought Chloe wanted a BIG dino, but Chloe adimantly explained that she wanted a BABY dino.

Luckily almost 99.9 percent of our friends are artists and are use to requests.

Oohhh... liking the baby dino!

This is the baby dino Wayne drew for Chloe. She LOVES it!

Wayne cracked us up. We were talking about Chloe and Wayne said when the robots DO take over, she's the one that will be leading the resistance. That one comment sent Barry off into creating a story about Chloe and her fighting off the robot armies. Look for this story to debut early 2006 ; o )

After the folks left both Chloe and Fox were in dire need of a bath. Chloe had food in her hair, and all over, so bathtime it was!

I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and bathe them together.

I caught this photo luckily. Chloe LOVES to kiss Fox.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ready for my close up!

Chloe loves to play with her Dora the Explorer pals. Here she is holding Tico.

Yeah, and that outfit? SHE chose it. We let her pick out her own clothes for the day...and this was todays winner.

She told Barry she wanted to wear "zebra shirt" and "zebra pants".

Quite the fashionista!

Fox was perfectly content to play on his play mat. He bats at the little animals that hang down.

Chloe thought he needed help on just how hard to hit the animals so she swatted them a time or two.

I think it was too much for Fox because he burst out in tears shortly after that when the animals came at him too fast.

Fox's temperment is soooo different from Chloe. He doesn't like sudden movements, he's not fond of loud noises, and is perfectly happy being held and cuddled. VERY lucky for me. I can't seem to get enough of rubbing my cheek against his fuzzy little head.

Ready for my close up!

Really. It's a game we've played ever since she was little.

The purple frame goes with a LeapFrog interactive game she was given long ago.

I use to hold it up to my face and in classic Cecil B. de Mille style say "I'm ready for my close up!"

She always got a big kick out of that. So to this day she hold this up to her face and says the same thing.

Here she works that frame down her body!

Skinny monkey. She likes to slide the frame down her body.

I see you!

There's our boy!

Fox just LOVES these goofy bows that you put on packages.

Ok, I have to admit they are pretty cool since they reflect the light so well.

I think he likes the sound of crinkling paper, too.

I think he loves how these beads taste. He won't put them down!

The new family pic

Yeah! I finally finished my new family piece. I thought I pretty much had everyone included. We've got Fox added, as well as all the pets--or so I thought. Hellboy (the conure) sits on Chloe's shoulder, Indy and Stonecold (budgies) perch on my head, and Valentine (the lovebird) is peeking out from behind Fox.

I knew that I wasn't going to be able to add in all the finches...there is just too darned many of them.

Then when I showed the piece to Barry he reminded me about Grimly...our chinchilla. I totally forgot her. Oh well. I'll do another one next week.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Got my top hat n' tails

Chloe found this top hat that Barry had used two years ago for a Halloween Costume (we'd gone as Gomez and Morticia Addams).

She loved playing with it.

Nope. Definitely NOT a ham, this one.

Ok, a bit too close up. But what beautiful hazel eyes!

Later, we went up to Magic Kingdom just to ride some rides and let Chloe run around.

Fox sat in the stroller while Barry and Chloe rode the carousel for the first time that day. He looks like he's eating his toy!

I hadn't cut his fingernails in a while, and he scratched himself on his little nose quite good.

That girls LOVES the carousel. I love the joy on her face!

Fox got his first carousel ride.

He really enjoyed it. I thought he would get upset and fuss, but he rode like a champ. He was tentative at first.

For right now, he doesn't rush pell mell into things like his sister. He has to adapt, check everything out first.

But I'm sure he'll soon be rushing headlong into situations soon, too.

I'm really amazed at how emotive the little fella is. He is almost always happy. But it's like each emotion he experiences registers on his face.

This ride business is pretty darn FUN!!

I like this picture. It shows the 3 loves of my life.

she was fascintated by the mechanisms that make the horses go up and down.

Enjoying a quick snuggle while I can.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Celebrating Mom's Birthday

So tonight the family went to my favorite resturant to celebrate my birthday. First we went to Animal Kingdom Park to walk around and ride a couple rides. We just stayed for a few hours.
Chloe ran, and ran and ran! Tough cookie. We knew she would sleep well tonight!

Fox only took a half hour nap today if that. He was all excited to get out of the house and see some sites.

Then we drove over to the AKLodge...probably MY favorite place to stay on Disney property--and holds my favorite resturant--BOMA'S! We had a bit of a wait to get a table...a little over an hour or so. We walked around, watched a couple cartoons in the lobby. Chloe didn't like the storytime that was being held outside, so Barry and her did quite a bit of walking.

Our table was finally ready and we sat down for a WONDERFUL exotic dinner. Chloe ate quite a bit. She mostly stuck to the basics...french fries, chicken fingers, Mac n' cheese. But she did try some humas, and had a couple bites of other stuff. She ripped thru a BIG bunch of grapes. We recently discovered her love of grapes. She tears them up! I bought about half a pound of grapes a day ago, and I have only a couple left. They are candy to her!

Shortly after, Chloe had this drugged look on her face. I don't think I have ever seen her look that worn out.

I could tell it just hit her...the need to SLEEP!

Funny, I asked Barry if he'd ever fallen asleep at the table. He didn't remember having done so.

Seconds later, Chloe put her head down on the table, and she was OUT.

Fox just sat in his car seat contentedly.

Barry and I sat and had a wonderful long conversation. He also watched while I had me some of the most wonderful dessert in the world...Zebra DOMES!

Chloe caused quite a stir as we were sitting there. Folks came up and teased us about how tired and cute she was.

I couldn't have asked for a better evening.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Chloe's Doctors appointment

So yesterdy Chloe had her official 2 year check up. She is doing awesome!
She is 36 inches tall and weighs 34 1/2 lbs.
We had a lot of time to kill in the waiting area of the doctors office so some interesting things happened. It turned out to be a two hour wait! Man! I hate Dr's offices. Luckily neither Barry or I had to work that day.

For a couple days before the appointment, we'd explain that she was going to go see Doctor Gonzales to make sure she was alright. She was going to listen to her heart (so we taught Chloe where her heart was), weigh her, and make sure she was all healthy. She sounded ok with all that. I'd ask her "where are we going tomorrow" and she'd say "see doctor".

While waiting for our appointment, Chloe chatted with some other kids. She looked around whe we first got there and chimmed up "hi, peoples!" There were various toys around that she played with. Sometimes she took turns, other times she barged up to toys while other kids were playing with them. She's usually really, really good about taking turns with things or sharing.

There was this one big square toy that had different activities on each side of it--like a maze with a large bb- type thing in it that you worked to get to the center, a wire thing on top where you worked different shapes over the wires, and various other things.

Five kids were playing at this station. Chloe, three other girls and a little boy. This cute little boy sneezed really loudly and directly onto this prissy little girl that was standing beside him. The little girl burst into tears and started violently brushing off her sleeve where the boy had sneezed. It was really hard not to laugh. She made a bee-line for her Mom and didn't come back over to the playstation for quite a while.

Chloe met another cute little boy. At first when she saw him, she rubbed her hand over his hair. I don't know why. A little while later she hugged him! and hugged him. and hugged him. It went on for quite a while. She just stood there holding him. He took it well. Then they went back to playing. He was probably 4 or so.

Chloe was flitting around the lobby looking at other kids and showing them her belly button, or playing with this large mirror that warps your appearance. A couple of the Mom's in the waiting room had been watching her. She was playing with one particularly little boy that was really tiny, when the Mom chimmed up and asked me how old Chloe was. I told them she was two, and then they asked when she turned two. It was one of those "size up the compitition" kinda things. I was kinda laughing inside. She told me her little boy was on the upside of two-closer to three. Both Barry and I talked afterwards and thought he as a much younger little boy. He had beautiful light blond hair and big blue eyes with these neat wire framed sliver glasses. He was sure cute, but very little.

Chloe again saw the little boy that she had been hugging on earlier and went up to him really quickly. All the sudden they were both on the floor...she wouldn't let go! Down they went! He started crying, and crying!! He wasn't hurt at all and neither was Chloe. Again, I probably shouldn't have laughed, but I did. I told her to appologize and she said 'sorry', but I don't think she understood why she was appologizing. But we can't very well have out little amazon knocking down cute little boys due to hugs and kisses.

We finally got back to see Dr. Gonzales. We asked her about the odd patch of skin right by Chloe's right eye (just a birthmark), the possibility of her having asthma (not this age, kids lungs aren't up to capacity when they are running about full tilt).

Then the Doctor said that Chloe needed a shot for her immunizations. I was worried about this. She asked Chloe what kind of lollipop she wanted, cherry, lemon, orange, or chocolate. Chloe stated she wanted orange. We were really impressed. That meant she had listened to what was available, and rationally thought about what flavor she wanted...she didn't choose the first or the last flavors offered. She wanted orange.

So she got the shot. She wasn't happy at all about being held down. She only cried when the plunger of the needle sent the medicine into her thigh. Seconds after that she had stopped crying and was fine.

The doctor came back in with Chloe's orange lollipop. She told us how impressed with Chloe's vocabularly she was. In fact, I do believe she used the words "amazed" at Chloe's vocabularly. As the doctor was leaving, Chloe said "thank you, doctor". She asked if we'd made her do that (which we didn't...we'd explained about what a doctor was and all). Yep, the doctor was pretty impressed with Chloe.

Now every once in a while Chloe will chime up with "go see Doctor? Go see Doctor?" I don't know if it because she really wants to go back or have another lollipop!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

More Fox photos

Fox and I had another photo session. I think he's going to be a bit of a ham.

He is such a cutie...

...and a pretty happy kid.

Even when he's getting sick of Mom taking all these darn pictures of him!

He looks like he's just about to break out crying right here.
