Sunday, July 31, 2005

Chloe and baby brother

Yep, it's official. Chloe does indeed love her baby brother. She now will kiss him, touch him, and hold his hand.

Here she is showing us Fox's cute li'l nose.

Best buddies???

I almost got the shot I want...Chloe kissing Fox on the head. Just when I snapped the pic she looked over at me and I missed the kiss to Fox's head. I will get it.

Fox looks sooooo much more alert. He's staying awake more now...thankfully. He's such a champ. We can't tell what color his eyes will be. Right now they are that baby steel grey color.

These are a couple pics that I thought I'd post. The Wednesday before we went to the hospital, we went to Lowery Zoo. The Zoo looked fantastic but due to really bad rains we didn't get to see much of anything. Now we get to go back as a full family since Fox has finally arrived...when it gets Muuuuuuccccchhh cooler.

Chloe was a champ though. It was raining, extrememly hot and extraordinarily humid. But she even makes a rain pauncho look chic.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Fox and Chloe get some goods!

Chloe and Fox got a really neato 'Welcome to the World' and 'Here's to a nifty Granddaughter' package from MawMaw and Granddaddy.

Chloe is getting to where she likes to open gifts. Well, actually, she just likes to open ANYTHING...especially if you don't want her to.

Chloe absolutely loves her new pink nightie!!

Here's Chloe in the bath tub. Yep. She really does have horns!!

Got back from the Doctors office. Fox has gained 4oz. He's now 7lbs 8oz. Not where the Doctor wants him to be, but we're working on it. We now have to feed him every two hours. Wow. He better start packin' on some serious weight.

The Doc did comment a couple times that Fox looks much better. The jaundice seems to be going away. YEAHHHH!!
We did go back to the hospital for the blood test we received notice about yesterday. It's for PKU. I asked if we had anything to be concerned about since we had to come back, but the tech there said most likely it's because there was a problem with the machine that reads the samples. We'll know in a couple days I guess.
Then the next friday, the Doc wants to see Fox back to check on weight progress. I swear we're gonna keep stuffin' the li'l guy from now until then.

Chloe constantly amazes us. Here are some pictures of her gazing in on her brother.

It was hard at first for her to warm up to Fox. But now she endearingly calls him "baby brother" and happily touches him. She points to his chin, ears, strokes his hair very softly. She's a wonderful sister.

She even tries to cover him with a blanket if she thinks he's cold.

She does sometimes get upset when he sleeps and is being held by me or Barry. She loudly tells him to "Wake up!" But then she does the same to either me or Barry when we happen to sit down and get a second to close our eyes--few and far between now days.
Here are some of the pictures of her gazing in on her brother.

I'm still waiting to get a pic of Chloe kissing Fox. She's done it a couple times, but of course, no camera is on hand.

Yesterday, Barry went into Chloe's room to get her out of her bed. When he entered the room Chloe smiled and started saying "EEeeee, Eeeeee!" Barry (thinking she was making monkey sounds) asked her if she was a monkey. She stopped, wrinkled her nose, then looked at him as he'd just said the dumbest thing she'd ever heard, then said "Dolphin ... EEeee, Eeeeeee, EEeee ... dolphin!"

Fox looks better to us. He seems stronger and more alert. Tomorrow we have an appointment to see the doctor. Fingers crossed all goes well. Both Barry and I couldn't believe that Fox had lost 10oz in his first week. We've been trying really hard to get him to gain weight and expose him to direct sunlight per doctors orders. He's a tough, beautiful boy.

We also got a notice from the hospital today that one of the tests was incomplete so we have to take him back to the hospital again for a repeat test. The paper work said a repeat test in not UNCOMMON (yeah, whatever that means to a worried parent), but still you are afraid. Is something wrong? Why are more tests necessary, please don't let it be anything major...just a tech screw up. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Fox at Home (July 19)

Fox came home a little less than 24 hours after he was born. We were supposed to wait a full 24 hours (could have stayed 48 -- which was recommended to us, but we declined), but the nurses were doing a shift change an hour prior to our 24 hour deadline so they let us leave at the shift change rather than wait an extra hour or two for the new nurses to get us prepped.

Here he's held by his cousin, September Craft.

More pics ... Fox at the hospital (July 18-19)

Mom looks fantastic ... Dad looks like he's the one who went through labor.

Dr. Juan Reinoso has delivered both Fox and big sister Chloe.

Chloe isn't so sure about all of this ...

Fox, outside the hospital for the first time, on his way home ... in his carseat

Friday, July 22, 2005

Welcome to the world ... Fox Gregory!

Fox Gregory born 8pm July 18, 2005.

7lbs 14oz of mewling, screaming mayhem!