Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fox had his one year appointment with his pediatrician the other day. I can't believe it's been a year. We're really proud of the boy.
He measures 24 lbs
and is 31 inches long...he's a pretty good sized fish.

Everyone comments on how tall he is (well, both he and Chloe--most people think she's 4, and we have to gently explain to them she'll be 3 in a couple weeks).
Our great Pediatrician Dr. Khan said that Fox is in the 90th percentile for kids his age, but unlike kids that are as tall as he is, his weight is normal...actually I dare say he said Fox' weight was perfect. I guess taller kids usually are fatter, but Fox was just fine...until they broke out the shots. After that things didn't go so good.

Both Fox and Chloe went water works on us, but the nurse broke out the lollipops and both were fine.

That was Fox first lollipop. I thought he was too young to eat 'em...was I wrong.

Next office visit in 15 months for Fox and in September for Chloe and next wednesday for me! We are now going to the Doctors every 2 weeks. I'm guessing soon will start weekly visits. We are now officially 33 weeks along. Nope. I'm not freaking out!

Things that make ya go Hmmmmmm....
We've found that kids will tell you the darnedest stuff. This week Chloe's highlights are:

I like to fart. It makes me feel good.

That's a trapizoid.

We live on planet earth (ok, we've been discussing how they took one of our planets away, etc)

Is Molly in there? (while looking at my belly button)

What will tomorrow bring?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fox turns 1!!!!

So a mysterious package arrived from Mawmaw and Grandaddy for Fox's birthday.

Chloe LOVES to see packages arrive!

Fox as always is all smiles.

Wow! I can't believe its been a year already. Fox has now been with us over 365 days. Pretty mind boggling.

Chloe is quick to take over.

Investigating the goods.

Bottoms up!

A cool card from the grandparents!

A crisp new $20 to spend at the comic shop.

Ahh I smell CHOCOLATE????


I think she ate this packet of chocolate within the hour.

Mawmaw and grandaddy send a pic of Chloe beside our friendly neighborhood turtle that has taken up residence in our backyard.

Fox's cake!

We went to Giordano's for our celebration dinner.

Chloe gets all gussied up in a hat Rene' had laying around.

Yep. She's not a ham.

Let the presents begin!

Fox gets a cool Hulk bath toy!

The happy birthday boy.

A quick photo session after a tiring day and bath time.