Monday, June 19, 2006

A sneak peek

Here she is! Yep it's a girl. Right now she's a little over 1lbs.
We had our first sonogram on June 5. We found out 'it' is definitely a SHE.
We are really excited. Chloe knew from the very beginning she was going to have a little sister.

We'd run boy names by her just in case, but when we asked her to pick her favorite of the boys names, she's say LUCY.

She's even been named. Well, by Chloe.
Names we are considering...

Chloe is adament that G3 (a combo of Gregory and she will be our 3rd...get it? G3?) is to be named Lucy.

This photo cracked us up. Here is G3 sucking on her toes!
In Fox's sonogram photos (and we had quite a bunch!) he always had his lower lip tucked into his mouth.
Looks like G3 is gonna be a toe sucker!!

We are also a little further along then anticipated...we are now about 23 1/2 weeks. Our estimated due date is Oct 5, but we're pretty sure we'll be induced 2-3 weeks early like with Chloe and Fox. Which puts us mighty close to Chloe's 3rd birthday.

Damn. And having a Halloween baby would have been too cool.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Visit with Grammy

Yes, I know, I know... Been a while since I've posted. I've got good reasons. Work, work, plain ol' busy, work, drawing, meeting deadlines...take yer pic. Anyway, earlier this month, my Mom came for a visit. It was her first time meeting Fox (poor kid turned 9 months and it was their first meeting...'nother story for another day). We had a great time. Here's some pictures of our visit to Epcot. We got to go to the Flower/Garden show.

Chloe LOVED playing in the little fairy garden. Lots of beautiful flowers to enjoy, and best of all...a playground!!

Taking time to stop and smell the flowers.

Flowers for Mommy.

Grammy and Fox grab a snuggle.

Chloe loved to go down the slide, climb up the various walls and latters, and climb thru this wire tunnel that she said was her "spider web" and she was a big spider. It was so cute!

Grammy feeds Fox.

This was really funny. On a previous visit to Epcot, Chloe noticed these little water stations through out the park. She kept talking about them with such excitement. I promised I'd let her play in them on the next visit. Chloe even kept mentioning going to the park and I knew it meant something to her.

So thinking that I was being such a good Mom by remembering just how much she seemed to like the fountains, I brought all the necessary stuff: swim suit and diapers, towel, etc...

So we get there, I get her all dressed and am soooooo excited to see her splash and play...and Nada! Zip! She wouldn't even let a drop touch her! Totally scared to go anywhere NEAR the water.

Chloe had the BEST time in the butterfly garden! She wanted a butterfly to land on her so badly.

A lady next to her was lucky enough to have a butterfly land on her hand, and that was ALL chloe could think about.

She tried a couple different methods. She grabbed a fallen leaf and held it bravely out for a butterfly to land on.

That didn't work.

She just held her hand out and pleaded with every and all butterflies to land on her...that didn't work either.


The girl loves her butterflies.

Eventually, we just had to pull her away and bribe her with a lollipop to get her out of the garden

Grammy gets in touch with her Nordic side.

Playin' with the boy.